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Docker implementation for model inference

Environment deployment for LLMs may be an arduous job. To simplify this process, we also provide a docker version of our model inference code.

The images of the docker version are here, and the usage of docker implementation is shown below.

Inference using GPU

For GPU inference (with Nvidia GPU), please pull the image with gpu tag, and make sure your computer has install the Nvidia Container Toolkit.

First download a finetune model from Huggingface or ModelScope, here we use Plant DNAMamba model as an example to predict active core promoters。

# prepare a work directory
mkdir LLM_inference
cd LLM_inference
git clone

Then download the corresponding dataset, and if users have their own data, users can also prepare a custom dataset based on the previously mentioned inference data format.

git clone

Once the model and dataset are ready, pull our model inference image from docker and test if it works.

docker pull zhangtaolab/plant_llms_inference:gpu
docker run --runtime=nvidia --gpus=all -v ./:/home/llms zhangtaolab/plant_llms_inference:gpu -h
usage: [-h] [-v] -m MODEL [-f FILE] [-s SEQUENCE] [-t THRESHOLD]
                    [-l MAX_LENGTH] [-bs BATCH_SIZE] [-p SAMPLE] [-seed SEED]
                    [-d {cpu,gpu,mps,auto}] [-o OUTFILE] [-n]

Script for Plant DNA Large Language Models (LLMs) inference

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -m MODEL              Model path (should contain both model and tokenizer)
  -f FILE               File contains sequences that need to be classified
  -s SEQUENCE           One sequence that need to be classified
  -t THRESHOLD          Threshold for defining as True class (Default: 0.5)
  -l MAX_LENGTH         Max length of tokenized sequence (Default: 512)
  -bs BATCH_SIZE        Batch size for classification (Default: 1)
  -p SAMPLE             Subsampling for testing (Default: 1e7)
  -seed SEED            Random seed for subsampling (Default: None)
  -d {cpu,gpu,mps,auto}
                        Choose CPU or GPU to do inference (require specific
                        drivers) (Default: auto)
  -o OUTFILE            Prediction results (Default: stdout)
  -n                    Whether or not save the runtime locally (Default:

  docker run --runtime=nvidia --gpus=all -v /local:/container zhangtaolab/plant_llms_inference:gpu -m model_path -f seqfile.csv -o output.txt
  docker run --runtime=nvidia --gpus=all -v /local:/container zhangtaolab/plant_llms_inference:gpu -m model_path -s 'ATCGGATCTCGACAGT' -o output.txt

If the preceding information is displayed, the image is downloaded and the inference script can run normally. Inference is performed below using previously prepared models and datasets.

docker run --runtime=nvidia --gpus=all -v ./:/home/llms zhangtaolab/plant_llms_inference:gpu -m /home/llms/plant-dnamamba-BPE-promoter -f /home/llms/plant-multi-species-core-promoters/test.csv -o /home/llms/predict_results.txt

After the inference progress bar is completed, see the output file predict_results.txt in the current local directory, which saves the prediction results corresponding to each sequence in the input file.

Inference using CPU

For CPU inference, please pull the image with cpu tag, this image support computer without NVIDIA GPU, such as cpu-only or Apple M-series Silicon. (Note that Inference of DNAMamba model is not supported in CPU mode)

First download a finetune model from Huggingface or ModelScope, here we use Plant DNAGPT model as an example to predict active core promoters。

# prepare a work directory
mkdir LLM_inference
cd LLM_inference
git clone

Then download the corresponding dataset, and if users have their own data, users can also prepare a custom dataset based on the previously mentioned inference data format.

git clone

Once the model and dataset are ready, pull our model inference image from docker and test if it works.

docker pull zhangtaolab/plant_llms_inference:cpu
docker run -v ./:/home/llms zhangtaolab/plant_llms_inference:cpu -h
usage: [-h] [-v] -m MODEL [-f FILE] [-s SEQUENCE] [-t THRESHOLD]
                    [-l MAX_LENGTH] [-bs BATCH_SIZE] [-p SAMPLE] [-seed SEED]
                    [-d {cpu,gpu,mps,auto}] [-o OUTFILE] [-n]

Script for Plant DNA Large Language Models (LLMs) inference

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -m MODEL              Model path (should contain both model and tokenizer)
  -f FILE               File contains sequences that need to be classified
  -s SEQUENCE           One sequence that need to be classified
  -t THRESHOLD          Threshold for defining as True class (Default: 0.5)
  -l MAX_LENGTH         Max length of tokenized sequence (Default: 512)
  -bs BATCH_SIZE        Batch size for classification (Default: 1)
  -p SAMPLE             Subsampling for testing (Default: 1e7)
  -seed SEED            Random seed for subsampling (Default: None)
  -d {cpu,gpu,mps,auto}
                        Choose CPU or GPU to do inference (require specific
                        drivers) (Default: auto)
  -o OUTFILE            Prediction results (Default: stdout)
  -n                    Whether or not save the runtime locally (Default:

  docker run -v /local:/container zhangtaolab/plant_llms_inference:gpu -m model_path -f seqfile.csv -o output.txt
  docker run -v /local:/container zhangtaolab/plant_llms_inference:gpu -m model_path -s 'ATCGGATCTCGACAGT' -o output.txt

If the preceding information is displayed, the image is downloaded and the inference script can run normally. Inference is performed below using previously prepared models and datasets.

docker run -v ./:/home/llms zhangtaolab/plant_llms_inference:cpu -m /home/llms/plant-dnagpt-BPE-promoter -f /home/llms/plant-multi-species-core-promoters/test.csv -o /home/llms/predict_results.txt

After the inference progress bar is completed, see the output file predict_results.txt in the current local directory, which saves the prediction results corresponding to each sequence in the input file.

  • The detailed usage is the same as the section Inference.

Inference with GUI

For convience, we also allow users predicting locally with a GUI based on Gradio, a friendly web app for machine learning models.

CPU inference can simply run the following command, then open the url in your browser, then you will see a GUI with several options for task prediction.
(plant DNAMamba models are not shown in the cpu image because CPU cannot infer these models)

mkdir -p llms_gradio/cache
cd llms_gradio
docker run -p 7860:7860 -v ./cache:/root/.cache --name gradio_cpu zhangtaolab/plant_llms_gradio:cpu

Models will be downloaded into the llms_gradio/cache folder in your computer during inference.

GPU-based inference requires users to install the Nvidia Container Toolkit in advance.

After the environment is prepared completely, run the following command, then open the url in your browser.

mkdir -p llms_gradio/cache
cd llms_gradio
docker run --gpus=all -p 7860:7860 -v ./cache:/root/.cache --name gradio_gpu zhangtaolab/plant_llms_gradio:gpu

Online prediction platform

In order to facilitate users to use the model to predict DNA analysis tasks, we also provide online prediction platforms.

Please refer to online prediction platform